Do you want to be part of Phoenix Theatre Group? Membership is open to anyone over the age of 11!
Whether you're a performer, or just want to help out with our next production - find our membership form link below.
If you'd like further information, please contact Keith Norledge on 07773337108, who will be happy to tell you all you want to know about the group or contact our Membership Secretary - Claire Perkins for further details,
Please download or print off the membership below to join Phoenix Theatre Group
Chairman - Greg Clarke
Treasurer - Keith Norledge
Secretary - Jenny Perkins
Membership- Claire Perkins
Newsletter- Claire Perkins
Bursary- Phoebe Smithies
Website - Greg Clarke
Committee -Mike Robinson, Pam Williams, Daniel Westbury, Scott Harrington, Ann Williams, Dan Hampshire, Dan Alsop
With thanks to the following individuals who have supported Phoenix by becoming a Vice President – for information on the benefits of becoming a VP contact
Mr K and Mrs S Norledge
Mr R and Mrs J Perkins
Miss C Perkins
Mr M Robinson
Mrs S P Rose