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Phoenix Theatre Group has now been running for over 35 years.
The Group is run by an enthusiastic group of volunteers, who all have a love of drama. Our aim is to provide the opportunity for anyone aged 11+ (no matter what ability and experience) to have the opportunity to be involved in live Theatre.
With this aim in mind we presently perform twice a year. Our main production is the Annual Pantomime in January. This production sees actors from 11 to 60+ taking to the Evesham Arts Centre Stage for 5 or 6 performances over 4/5 days.
October each year see the Group stage a Musical. This will generally be for our younger members 11 - 21, however this often depends on the show and performing rights requirements.
Both annual productions have a similar rehearsal schedule, with the majority of rehearsals taking place at Offenham Village Hall on Sunday afternoons. Principal cast members may also need to attend a mid week rehearsal (This is dependant on each shows requirements) which normally are held at Aston Sommerville Village Hall.
All productions take place at Evesham Arts Centre over 4-6 performances.
The rough rehearsal schedules for each show are as follows:
Audition day - A Sunday towards the end of June or early July.Rehearsals start early September for Principal cast members mid week.
Rehearsals start mid October for the full cast including chorus members.
Sunday afternoons 2 pm - 5.30 pm @ Offenham Village Hall. Break at
Christmas for 2 weeks.
Early January resume Sunday reherasals
Show generally mid January (Additional reherasals before show week)
October Musical:
Audition day- A Sunday at the end of February
Mid-week rehearsals start early May for Principal cast members
Rehearsals start early May for the full cast (including Chorus)
every Sunday afternoon from 2pm-5.30pm at Offenham Village Hall.
Summer break over the School Holidays (mid July-beginning of Sept)
Resume Sunday rehearsals at the start of September
Show usually performed mid October
All of the above is subject to change as each show has different requirements.
Registered with Worcestershire County Council, the Group has the welfare of it's members at heart. Whilst enjoyment of drama is paramount, the Group follows council guidelines on both Child Protection policies and Chaperoning requirements.
Over the past 34 years more than 1400 children have passed through the Group. Many have gone on to follow their love of the stage and make a career of it! Other have returned to the Group and now help Direct and Produce (as well as perform) the shows.
Phoenix is a real 'family'. Once you join, you're in it for life! Past members regularly return to see each production. Most keep in touch through our Privacy Protected Facebook page or via Twitter.
The Group operate a bursary each year, in memory of Matthew Brace - a past member who tragically died a few years ago. All members can apply for the bursary who are looking for support as they progress with their acting/arts related activities. Previous Bursary awards have been awarded for such things as: Attending West End Masterclasses, Make up Courses, University fees, Making a record etc.
Socially we hold several events throughout the year including: Trips to London, Christmas Parties, Theatre Trips and much more!
Whilst the majority of our membership are those aged 11 -21 we encourage adults to join also. When adult membership allows we perform a comedy farce. Adults are always welcome to join and we regularly have upwards of 10/15 adults in the annual Pantomime.
Self funding, the only funds you will ever be asked for is your annual membership fee. This is kept at the bare minimum, as we wish for the Group to be accessible to all.
If you want to know more on the group please contact us and we will be only too happy to tell you more!